'Barn Owl Beauty' Acrylic 20"x20"
Exploring I have been. And I do love where this is taking me. Oh, the
colors! It's amazing how a color can change the way you feel. Can set a
mood. Love it!
This little guy makes me happy. Something about his face. His surroundings. The colors. I loved the process of building it all. I put the brush down, once again, and used my fingers mostly and all kinds of objects. It's not a new process for me, using lids from bottles or jars, bubble wrap, crumbled papers, tubes, old gift cards...anything I could find that would add dimension, depth, design. It is such a freeing process and I am especially enjoying this continued exploration. I am especially enjoying painting objects and characters of nature lately. I always have, really, but especially now. So peaceful. There is so much beauty to be found in nature. Can't wait to see what I find next.....
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