Finished the bee pendant, no catastrophe with the resin and the client really liked the final piece....all is good! I will admit though, I held my breathe with the resin.....probably lifted the cup that I use to protect it while it cures, at least 25 times. Whew! Bee Happy! :) I am also pretty happy with the packaging card that I created to use for the pendants. I have some other pendants under way, as well as some other paintings, too. Slowly but surely, my inventory is growing. I have waited for so long to be in a place where I could paint and create, every day, all day and it's glorious! Thank you Jesus!!! I prayed for God's will in my life for a while now and then all heck broke loose! Be careful what you pray for!!! It can often be scary at first because your life as you know it can be radically changed. Can't wait to see what happens next! School will be ending pretty soon and the kids will have a few activities here and there for summer vacation, but otherwise, they will be here with me while I work....Egad! There will certainly be a lot to juggle. No problem, I am woman...
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