Well, I'm back. Got a bit off course for a while when my little Nathaniel came down with pneumonia. There were concerns of more serious issues as well, so he was my #1 focus for a while. He's better now, but they're going to watch him closely over the next several months. Then school restarted, Hannah in the 5th grade and Nathaniel in pre-K. It was a wonder there was time to create at all, but there was. There are so many projects that I have needed to post and I'm going to try to play a little 'catch-up'. Not sure if I'll get them all posted today, but I will certainly try! Not off to a good start though, I spent most of today just trying to get everything off my camera and sorted through. Boy, do I need a new camera. My computer wasn't playing nice today either. Egad! Okay, here we go....let's see...well for starters, some time ago, me and my daughters' group leader at church were talking and somehow, after all this time, we realized she and I had never formally introduced ourselves to each other. We had talked many times though. Well, much to our amazement....we both have the same name (first AND last!). I almost fell over! And here's the clincher....she's attending college to be an artist!! God works in mysterious ways!

Well, she contacted me later for a project she was working on with her class at
FGCU. They were collecting artwork to donate to a thrift store in Naples that benefits a shelter for abused women and children. The objective was to raise awareness about abused women and children, provide funds to support an organization that helps these women and children and to demonstrate a way in which the art community can contribute to a cause. What a great project. I did a quick watercolor and printed it with the scripture
Matthew 6:25-32 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life....". Somehow, I thought this was a message for this organization. Having been in an
abusive relationship, God's promise that He was there and would take care of me and my children gave me the courage needed to make some very difficult choices during that time. Some alarming statistics from just this shelter last year....the two thrift stores have accounted for over 30% of the revenue for the shelter, the shelter answered 4,652 crisis hotline calls, developed 6,459 safety plans with adult and child victims of domestic violence, educated 8,689 individuals through one or more of the educational programs and provided more than 14,000 days of shelter. And this is just one shelter in one city. Most think it's easy to 'just leave' or call for help, but I can tell you, it's at times impossible. So these numbers only represent those that took a leap of faith and called out for help. There are many that never do! I'm so glad I got to participate in this great project and donate something.

This is another graphic watercolor that I finished at that time, too. It measures 6"x6". Below is a sneak peak into a big project I'm finishing now. More to come on this later.....

I still have a lot of pics to take so I can post some of the other finished pieces. Let's hope my camera cooperates! If all goes well, I just may get it all posted tonight.....okay, well, it sounds good in theory! 'Till we meet again.....
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