So very much can happen in a months' time! And how amazing it can be!
'The Story of Chromosome X' 36x36 | Vintage Ephemera, Graphite, Acrylic, Ink, Colored Pencils, Pastels, Gold Leaf |
Unexpectedly, and a bit last minute, I decided to submit a painting to
Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center's 10th Annual juried exhibition "X".
SBDAC invited the artists to interpret the symbol X to honor their 10th anniversary season for the month of June.
Once committed, I still had to figure out my interpretation of the symbol X.
I stared at my blank canvas for a couple weeks waiting for it to speak to me. Nothing. Then more nothing. It continued to stare at me and still nothing. I only knew my daughter would be the subject. But how on earth does that interpret the symbol X?
And day, out of the blue, like an explosion or the excitement of Christmas morning, Chromosome X was born! Of course I had to double check and look up Chromosome X and Chromosome Y to 'just make sure which was which'......just in case I didn't pay close enough attention in Middle School Biology. LOL. Whew! It was all good! I was on the right track.
....and so it began. I didn't know anything at that point other than using my beautiful daughter as my muse and using an element of all the techniques and mediums I am forever drawn to.
The painting was essentially intuitive. I had no real plan. No sketches. No idea. I didn't see the final piece in my head. I let the painting tell me the story. The Story of Chromosome X. The beginning when God created woman. The love songs. The definition. The beauty of a woman.
I loved every part of this painting adventure including receiving the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center's Choice Award! Such an honor! And surprise! I overheard and was told such amazing compliments and "WOW's" from the Center and the public and fellow artists. I am honored.
It filled my heart & soul and affirmed once again, the path I am on as an artist!!
Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center 10th Annual Juried Exhibition 'X' Choice Award 2018 |