In the chaos of this day - and believe me, there has been a lot - I forgot to mention some further good news...I recently received an invitation to participate in the Splash Art Festivals outside of Atlanta, Georgia this coming year. These are 'invitation only' festivals and I am so excited I was included!! Looks like there will be over 170 national and regional artists and, of course, me! I was looking at the artists from this year and many were very well known and accomplished artists. So exciting. There are 2 festivals, one in May 2011 (the Dunwoody Art Festival) and one in October 2011 (the Norcross Art Fest). I accepted the invitation for the Norcross Art Fest in October. I thought that October 2011 would give me more time for inventory and I do hope to have a few other art festivals/art shows under my wing by then. Not to mention, I bet the weather will be delightful! Amazing how things are starting to happen! I wonder what's ahead that I don't even know about yet...only time will tell! Stay tuned!
Happy Holidays to all! It has been so busy here in our household, as I am sure it has been for everyone! Finally, it is all starting to settle down a bit...just a bit. One very big gift for me (that I have been trying and trying to find just a few minutes to post) is that I was featured on a wonderful blog, Beth's Artworx in which every Tuesday...
Beth Niquette 'showcases inspiring Artists and provides a forum for all Artists to share their work with one another'.She calls it FAT (Featured Art Tuesday) Artist Spotlight. I just love the name. It was such a special surprise when I received the note and I am humbly honored.
She was especially inspired by 'Morning Song' that I did a short time ago. I really loved all the wonderful things she wrote. And it gave me the opportunity to view other very talented Artists (using all sorts of mediums) and be inspired by them all, as well...just as she wanted it to happen. I look forward to keeping up with this great blog. Here is the link to the Featured Art Tuesday I was featured in. Take a look and enjoy!
With only a few days now 'til Christmas, I really have to wonder where the time went. I know I am probably not the only one who wonders this, every year, for certain! Months ago, while I was making my lists of all to do for Christmas, I thought I would certainly have plenty of time to get it all done and still enjoy the leisure of baking and entertaining. Hmmmm.....well, lets just say, at least the list was done on time!! LOL! Through it all, there have been many new pieces that have been completed this past month or so, many with new homes for them and more art on the way. I have really enjoyed them all, as I always do. Several pieces allowed me to try out some new techniques, and the feedback was more than positive! That is always a plus!
Commissioned 'Pineapple' 24" x 30" Acrylic on Gallery CanvasSOLD TYG
This piece was commissioned for Kim who wanted the whimsy found in my 'Dream' painting, but tamed down and colors changed to accommodate her Tommy Bahama style home...and, well, her husband! Loved the challenge. Thought a pineapple would be perfect and off I went. The fun of this painting is knowing there is an entire painting underneath the finished painting.
This is the under painting of the 'Pineapple' piece. I always get to this part and think, 'boy, this is fun! I could leave it just like this'! Then I have a moment of anxiety as I start to paint over it and then excitement creeps in. Lots of excitement. There's really nothing planned other than the colors and the subject matter. The rest is pure chance really (maybe, a bit of talent, too). Kim - and her husband - really loved the final piece! That's the part that makes my heart sing.
Here are some of the other pieces finished this past month... ' Owl' 5"x5" Acrylic on Gallery Canvas SOLD TYG
There are many, many more pieces that have been finished and sold, so much more to do and the clock is still ticking! Christmas is coming, whether I am finished or not! Guess I'll have to depend on my local bakery to do my baking this year. That's really not so bad.
Well, the Holidays are sneaking up on me...AGAIN! and we are in Handmade Mode here at our house. I am always in handmade-mode because it's what I do for a living, but the kids and I really try to work on some handmade gifts and decorations every year for the holidays. Hannah has a little business she calls Hannah's Sweet Treats in which she makes delicious and easy chocolate covered pretzel rods that she decorates with candies and sprinkles. I started this with her many years ago when she was about 5 to help teach her kitchen skills and how special handmade gifts are. Now her little brother joins in and helps make them. It's great family time. We are all working on several projects for gifts right now and the studio shows proof of that! And every year I am blessed with new ornaments for the tree that are handmade by the kids. I treasure them the most! I really love this time of year and look forward to the many handmade creations that we send out and receive from loved ones and friends.
Painting and drawing and sewing...Oh My!! Boy, has it been busy around here! I realized I had never posted the finished 'Dream' painting, so here it is. (Will come back later to post the many other things I have been working on.)
I really enjoy this style of painting...and for me, it's a way for me to get a bit messy and less restricted! Necessary for a 'Type A' personality such as mine. The toughest part for me is creating this cool underpainting and then having to paint over it. I showed the underpainting in the last post which I think could probably be hung 'as is', if you wanted. Then it's time to block out the background and enhance the images/shapes that are left over to show depth and interest. The best part is adding all the whimsical features. (See final piece at top of post)
Almost anything goes at this point. The main thing is to have fun...and it is GREAT FUN!
Working on a new painted piece with a commissioned piece inspired by this one. Not finished yet, but here is a quick look at the first stage inside the 'Dream'.
And believe me....this will not look the same when finished!
August, September....doesn't quite feel like Halloween yet, especially in Florida where the heat index is continually off the charts. But there are some sure signs everywhere that Halloween is creeping closer! Well, I certainly didn't want to be left out!! I actually caught the flu pretty bad and was laid up in bed for about a week and that allowed me some time to work on some little pieces (I rarely had the strength to do even that). Halloween was the subject that stuck around.
I have so many papers, an addiction really. I love paper. This sweet little owl in the dark of night was created with white Sakura Gelly Roll pen on black Wausau acid free 100lb cover. I simply love the way the white looks on the black paper. I have some others using this style to post but still need to take the pictures. Will work on that later today.
This is 'Spooky Ghost' and he was created with the 2-layered technique as described here and here. I just love the colors! I actually created others, but can't post them yet due to one being in an ACEO swap with the ACEtsy Street Team. But soon, very soon!
Just a quick update on the Football Mural that I did a couple months ago. The kids and I went to visit Sharie and Steve recently and I got the chance to see the mural room in all it's glory. WOW! I have to admit it was pretty impressive. It looks great!
They really loved how it all turned out and that makes me so happy! I really look forward to the next big mural project that lay ahead.
The kids are finally back in school, so I'm trying to get back to my postings and uploads. Although I found time to create, I just never could find the time to upkeep my blogs and stores for the last couple weeks. But I am back now and ready to get busy! In the midst of all the chaos of getting them ready for 2 different schools, I was able to work on a couple ACEO's that I really enjoyed doing.
The watercolor portions had such a warm tone to them...I guess I am getting ready for Fall subconsciously. You just never really know when Fall has arrived when you live here in Florida.
'Morning Song' is an 8x10 with a white border for framing. It really is a very beautiful piece and I can't wait to get to work on another one, maybe turn this into a grouping/series. Hmmm......
'...I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding.' 1Cor 14:15
I have been waiting to be able to post this for about a week or so now, and finally, I get to! The ACEO Street Team had a recent ACEO (ATC) swap and the subject matter for the swap was Mermaids. I had just joined the group and thought, what the heck, I'm gonna jump right in and join in on the swap! Really glad I did. It was great fun! My first ACEO (ATC) swap actually.
This is the mermaid that I did, which was done with pen and india ink and watercolors. I knew I was on the right track when my 5 year old, Nathaniel, came to my drawing table and said "Wow Mom...that Mermaid painting is really good". When your kids like what you do...nothing else matters! LOL. The ACEO (ATC) I received was this cute little crow mermaid created by Stacy with MagicLoveCrow. Her Etsy shop is filled with all things crow! Very cute stuff, too. This was great fun and I can't wait for the next swap!
Thanks to my ACEtsy Street Team, I just found out that you can search your Etsy shop name in the Etsy Treasuries and find all the Treasuries you are in. Treasuries are Etsy's ever-changing, member-curated shopping galleries where Etsy members create and share lists of items they love or are inspired by. The best thing is that these beautiful, diverse lists may be featured on Etsy's home page. Always a plus! I did a search and found another one of my pieces of art on a Treasury page, called Brooklyn Beauty,that I didn't even know about.......
Click here.... ACEO print is in my Etsy Shop!
My butterfly looks great on the page, too. I just love the color combination! I may have to create one of these Etsy Treasuries myself one day soon!
I can't stop! I can't! It's crazy! I am officially an ACEO addict. I have really loved this form of art for quite a while now because it allows me to create just about anywhere! A few small supplies in my purse and when the moment to the world of creating. It's great! These I did yesterday (late last night actually) and they are in my Etsy shop now.
Since joining the ACEtsy Street Team, recently, I have had the opportunity to participate in a couple swaps and challenges. I have really enjoyed all of it. They are a great group! I can't show you the ACEO I did for the swap because they are all still in transit, but the subject was Mermaids. I really look forward to receiving mine! As soon as everyone receives theirs, I will post mine and the one I received. Can't wait.
The ACEO Challenges' theme was Balloons. You could submit up to 3, so I did! I really wanted to step it up a bit and thought I would make mine a bit dimensional, if you will.
They were all done with watercolors and pen and ink on 180 lb. watercolor paper. I have to say they look so great in person and I really enjoyed making these, that I have several more on my drawing table ready to be cut and mounted. Here's a teaser....
I will probably have these ready tomorrow for the Etsy store. See you then!
It is 9" x 12" on Acquarello Artistico Extra White 140 lb watercolor block, using watercolors, india ink in 3, sanguine and warm gray). I so love this watercolor paper. When I finished it and looked at it, I felt like it was actually breathing, like it was alive! It's rather warm and colorful in person really. And fun to do!
This is how it started, with a watercolor wash dictating the design. Some more ideas are brewing using this technique so I imagine there will be more to come using this concept.
As of today, I am proud to be a member of the ACEtsy/EtsyACEO Street Team, which is a group of Etsy Artists who create ACEO's. ACEO stands for 'Art Cards, Editions and Originals' and they have one essential rule...they must be 3.5" x 2.5" in size, the same as a trading card. ACEO cards are a fun, affordable way to collect art that you can either frame or store in a trading card album for years of enjoyment and it's quite the craze! Although I have only introduced myself, I will soon be uploading my ACEO's. I did get some new work onto Etsy today though!
What a wonderful surprise I had waiting for me this morning when I opened my email. Flower Pond Studio, an Etsy Treasury Curator, had included one of my ACEO cards as one of her Treasury Favorites. It was such a nice surprise.
I have diligently tried to post this recent work for the last few days but something always got in the way. So, finally, here it is...
This sweet frame, called 'Feuillage' meaning leaf or foliage in french, is an art piece I had recently completed in the wood burning technique I had described in a previous post.
The frame size is almost 8"x8" and the colors are so pretty in person, it actually sparkles in the light. So when I manifest the new camera of my dreams, I am sure I will be able to capture it perfectly. Can't wait for that!